Well we've just sat and typed out an entry and it got lost in snowy cyber space!
Hey everyone - how are you all........well we are ok here all getting over flus, colds and coughs but we are slowly on the mend (pinkies not us muppetts!!).
Last Saturday Pinky was complaining of a bad throat and so had to take plenty of medication because they had a surprise '40th' Party to go to for mum's school friend - geez they've known each other for longer than I can dare to think! Anyhow after a 120 mile round trip and a good time was had by all - they returned home. Snow had been forecast but none had landed!
Sunday it was freezing cold and still no snow....................Monday morning we were faced with this...................

We went for our usual walk along the track and lane I was like something possessed racing here there and everywhere! Mindy was beside herself too - racing around trying to eat it all. Anyhow Pinky has been at home with us for the last few days because of this flu bug that she managed to catch, she has a cough now and sounds horrendous. However I'll attach some pictures and go and check her temperature again!
Take care all - Alf x and Mindy x