Guest Book


The Supervisor


Cutie Pie!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi again

Twice in one day we are getting good. More like there's nothing going on at Pinkies work so she's doing it from there!

Anyway, as I was previously saying we went to Cornwall and met up with Bob. Two weeks before our very own Pinky had been in hospital to have an operation on her right wrist. She had been having pain in it for about 4 years and it had got too much so an operation was needed. It turns out that she has 'Synovial Chondromatosis' which apparently is a condition that men get in their knees wait for their 40's. It might have escaped the surgeons attention but my mum is a lady and she's not yet 40!!! Well not far to go but still not quite 40!

She is a mystery - which we all knew anyway. She was off work for 3 weeks and stayed with us and then she went back to work - Daddy Pinky had to driver her to work and then the plaster came off after 5 weeks - her arm was horrible, we thought ET had moved in.

So when we went to Cornwall we didn't do much because of Pinkies plaster!! We did however have a good time and because the weather was soo good we stayed on for an extra couple of nights!

The pictures in the slidey thing are me trying to get the stick off Bob - I did it in the end but they made me give it back!

Catch you all soon for more installments!

Mindy xx


Dandy Duke said...

How nice that your pinky mom got to stay home with you for 3 whole weeks but bummer that it was surgery related! We hope her wrist if feeling better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Alf me ol' mate,
Sounds like you had a fun time in Cornwall. Did you take a piccie of your mum's gammy arm?? We'd like to see it if you did. Hope she's all better now.

Noah x

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Hope that wrist hurrys up and gets better caz understands just how painfull wrist can be.
Three weeks is nice having mum home but make sure she relaxes.
Cornwal sounded brill its always good to get away.

Ludo the cool dude.


Checking out the building products

Building Work Supervision

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Chewing her tennis ball!

Mindy Bob and the Stick

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Cornwall Pictures.

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Alf n Mindy's Day Out


What - my face isn't dirty!

Muppets in the Snow!

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I'm telling you my face is not dirty!

Mindy's feet

Mindy's feet
These feet are NOT mine!


Well it wasn't me mum!

Cromford Mill

Cromford Mill

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf
Everyone but Pinky!

Alf Napping

Alf Napping
I'm shattered

Mindy Napping

Mindy Napping
Leave me - I'm in my Den!