Guest Book


The Supervisor


Cutie Pie!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mindy goes missing!

Hi Alf here. I must write and tell you about Mindy going missing last night in the howling wind and pouring rain!

We were let out at about 9.00pm and pinky didn't realise it was raining so off we go - she then starts watching TV and suddenly said at 9.20 - oops I forgot the muppets are outside!

So in I came (like a good boy) called for Mindy - nowhere to be seen or heard! Well they wouldn't see would they - we live in the middle of nowhere and it was dark - the lights were on but they're not that bright! (Neither is Mindy!).

So we called, whistled, shook the biscuit tin, clanged the dish with a fork and shouted "MUPPET MEAT". No Mindy. Pinky went into a panic and started charging round the field looking for signs of a missing dog! Daddy pinky who has far more intelligence had a look in the muppet pen - and there she was - she had gone in and the wind had blew the gate shut! She was stood behind it wagging her tail! Needless to say - we were all happy and could go back in the warm!

Mummy Pinky still can't understand why she didn't bark! Maybe she was enjoying watching them rush around!

Anyway - she's having a bit of an Airedo again this afternoon - 1/2 an hour a day - her fur grows that quick - she looks like a woolly mammoth most of the time!

Alf x


Dandy Duke said...

WHEW!!!! We were worried! We're so glad that Mindy is okay!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Thuglets said...

OMD...phew.......what a relief Mindy Muppet was safe and sound!

Hope u are having a relaxing weekend after that scare!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh poor Mindy, trapped and unable to tell you where she was.
It doesn't sound like your pinky has much experience with wondering dales. I Noah also took off last night but D soon found me in the next street. She gave me a treat for coming to her when called.
We're glad Mindy was ok.

Hugs and tail wags

Cassidy said...

Silly Mindy muppet. Shaking the biscuit tin works for us every time too!

Cassidy x

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Alf

We sure were pleased to read that Mindy was OK. We can imagine your poor Pinky shouting Muppet meat!! Just as well you don't have neighbours.

Molly and Taffy

Princess Patches said...

We're sure glad Mindy was found! Sometimes, one of us gets locked in the basement and we don't bark either. We just wait at the top of the steps until someone opens the door. It's really funny to hear our parents in a panic when we already know exactly where we are! Hoomans are sooooo silly!

Poppy & Penny

Stanley said...

Hey, Guys!

I'm SOOOO relieved that Mindy actually wasn't acting like a doofus, but just got stuck in the pen!

Let's see the Airedo!!!

Goober love & smooches,

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Why didn't Alf show you where mindy was perhaps they were playing a game with you.Glad she is safe and sound.

Ludo the cool dude

Molly and Gertrude said...

Just read your post about Mindy going missing! I bet you were worried (Alf - were you really worried..?? heeheehee!!) - so glad it turned out ok. Silly Mindy!

We hope all the building work is going smoothly.

Love Molly and Gertrude

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I waz very worreed wen I red that sheed gon missin!

Nose hugs!


Checking out the building products

Building Work Supervision

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What - my face isn't dirty!

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I'm telling you my face is not dirty!

Mindy's feet

Mindy's feet
These feet are NOT mine!


Well it wasn't me mum!

Cromford Mill

Cromford Mill

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf
Everyone but Pinky!

Alf Napping

Alf Napping
I'm shattered

Mindy Napping

Mindy Napping
Leave me - I'm in my Den!