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Monday, November 24, 2008

Mindy's Early Morning Run!!!!

Hi to everyone again - it's me Alf. I wanted to update you all on Mindy's mission a couple of Saturday mornings ago.

We got up a little later than usual at 7.00am and Pinky Daddy said he would come a walk with us and Pinky mummy up the track where we go in the mornings - I amble along sniffing whilst Mad Mindy runs up and down and tries to catch mice and birds and things.

We got to the top of the track and Mindy saw a Partridge so she went into the next field to try and catch it - she came straight back when she was called and Dad was going to put her lead on but Mum said no leave her she'll be o.k.....................famous last words.

A bird took off and started flying away over the fields - which to be honest go on and on and on and on. Mindy was off - She was called - shouted - yelled at all to no avail. She was running really fast - followed by Dad who was trying to run after her at an angle so that he would eventually be infront - Hah who was he trying to kid - it was so muddy that his boots were gathering mud and they were getting biger and bigger! Eventually after Mum started running as well followed by me behind, Mindy stopped to do what Muppets do when they go walking, luckily that gave Dad the chance to get her - she was straight back on the lead and marched back home. She was so lucky that they saw the funny side of it...........otherwise she'd have been in the bad books for a good while! She never did catch the bird. We thought Dad was going to have a heart attack - he hasn't been running that early in the morning ever! He hadn't even had a cup of tea!

Anyway she's not being let off in the mornings at the moment because it's dark in the mornings and who knows what she'll do..............!!!

I've attached a couple of pictures of the track and the field and a very tired Mindy after the ordeal!

Alf x


Dandy Duke said...

We're sure you had a blast taking off after that partridge, Mindy, but you gave your Pinkies a scare! You better lay low for awhile!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Mindy, you're a girl after our own hearts.

Willow & Lucy

Alf matie, your sissie should be more like you.


Alf said...

Hey Noah - tell me about it, I'm sure she's related to the Devil!


The Black and Tans. said...

Molly here, perhaps Mindy would like to come out for a sroll with me one morning??? "grin"

See you Saturday.

Molly and Taffy xx

Cassidy said...

Naughty Mindy! The farm where my breeders live has pheasants EVERYWHERE and my doggy relatives there have caught quite a few!

Cassidy x

Alf said...

Wow - Fancy being able to catch one! I did manage to corner one - but I got a bit scared to be honest. Where's Alf when you need him - asleep in his kennel! Useless!

Mindy x


Checking out the building products

Building Work Supervision

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Chewing her tennis ball!

Mindy Bob and the Stick

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Cornwall Pictures.

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Alf n Mindy's Day Out


What - my face isn't dirty!

Muppets in the Snow!

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I'm telling you my face is not dirty!

Mindy's feet

Mindy's feet
These feet are NOT mine!


Well it wasn't me mum!

Cromford Mill

Cromford Mill

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf
Everyone but Pinky!

Alf Napping

Alf Napping
I'm shattered

Mindy Napping

Mindy Napping
Leave me - I'm in my Den!