Hi there
I can't believe how long it has been sincy Pinky updated our blog. We are always nagging at her to get it done, and there is always something more important. Nevermind she's doing it now - we are sat with her barktating to her - she doesn't quite understand what we are on about but we can put her right as we go along.
Well the building work is coming along nicely - we shall attach some piccies later when we get back from work! Alf has been supervising and even kept the carpenter up the scaffold because he was too scared to get down as Alf was at the bottom of the ladders!! It was so funny - he had to wait until Pinky had stopped mowing the lawns so that she could hear him shouting for help! It was really, really great!! - by Mindy
Well for the last week Mindy has been let off her lead on our morning walks - and she has done fantastically well! She chases after her ball and comes back everytime she is called! Although luckily no-one goes up the public footpath at 6.30am in the morning - maybe if she saw someone else it would be a different story - but she's fine at the moment! There are a few gaps in the hedges that she sticks her head through but comes back when she's told! I on the other hand - ignore her and walk along sniffing and watering the flowers! - by Alf
We are off down to Cornwall soon for a long weekend - I'm hoping to get a week in down there but we'll see!
Catch you all soon - and promise it won't be so long next time.
Licks and sniffs
Alf n Mindy x