Hi Alf here. I must write and tell you about Mindy going missing last night in the howling wind and pouring rain!
We were let out at about 9.00pm and pinky didn't realise it was raining so off we go - she then starts watching TV and suddenly said at 9.20 - oops I forgot the muppets are outside!
So in I came (like a good boy) called for Mindy - nowhere to be seen or heard! Well they wouldn't see would they - we live in the middle of nowhere and it was dark - the lights were on but they're not that bright! (Neither is Mindy!).
So we called, whistled, shook the biscuit tin, clanged the dish with a fork and shouted "MUPPET MEAT". No Mindy. Pinky went into a panic and started charging round the field looking for signs of a missing dog! Daddy pinky who has far more intelligence had a look in the muppet pen - and there she was - she had gone in and the wind had blew the gate shut! She was stood behind it wagging her tail! Needless to say - we were all happy and could go back in the warm!
Mummy Pinky still can't understand why she didn't bark! Maybe she was enjoying watching them rush around!
Anyway - she's having a bit of an Airedo again this afternoon - 1/2 an hour a day - her fur grows that quick - she looks like a woolly mammoth most of the time!
Alf x
Guest Book

The Supervisor

Cutie Pie!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mindy goes missing!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Building Work Underway!
Hey guys,
Alf here - long time again and no writing! I've been so busy and Pinky has been to busy to do my audio typing for me. I record it all and she types it up - unfortunately this is a busy time for her at work - but it's underway now! You'll just have to bear with me until she can put the pics on!
Well the building is coming along - as you may know we had to wait for some sunlounge steel beams to be delivered as there is alot of glass in the building we have to have steel beams installed so that they support the weight of the tiles on the roof! I stayed out of the way to be honest when the beams were put in - as I didn't want to get squashed - the pinkies did 2 of them and then the builder helped with the biggest and heaviest one on Saturday last week - Mummy Pinky supervised!
We now have to get the scaffolders in so that we can carry on with the brickwork on the upstairs part of it! It's all action here - we were called off the job last week though as the winds here were so bad - I almost got blew over.
Mindy doesn't supervise the building work - she spends time poking around in Al's van looking for food! (Typical girl!).
Yesterday we had some friends come up from Gloucester for the day - Wendy - went to school with my Pinky since they were 3 - so you can imagine how long they've been friends for!!! I did my usual stare out job at them but they weren't scared - so I gave up in the end. Mindy was embarassing as usual and wouldn't leave the alone and kept going back to them for fuss! We all went for a lovely walk in the afternoon after dinner - as the rain had stopped and the sun came out. We walked down some lovely public footpaths across fields - then we came across a stile - not a problem to some dogs - but I don't do agility and to make matters worse - it was under water too! I had to get underneath a rail and got soaked - it took me ages and there was mention of us all having to turn round and go back the way we had come! No way were they going to blame for that! So I went through - and guess what was round the next corner! Yes you've guessed it another 2! I eventually got through - Mindy just cleared them with pinky on the end of the lead! The last one was awful it was flooded and everyone had wellies on but me - so they walked right through - I walked around the edge and got brambles in my face - but that's better than getting my feet wet! Mindy was filthy it came to the top of her front legs - but she wasn't bothered. It was a shame the camera had been left behind though!
Anyway - that's it from me for now - I'll leave you with some pictures!
Alf x

Checking out the building products
Building Work Supervision

Chewing her tennis ball!
Mindy Bob and the Stick
Cornwall Pictures.
Alf n Mindy's Day Out

What - my face isn't dirty!
Muppets in the Snow!

I'm telling you my face is not dirty!
Mindy's feet

These feet are NOT mine!

Well it wasn't me mum!
Cromford Mill

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf

Everyone but Pinky!
Alf Napping

I'm shattered
Mindy Napping

Leave me - I'm in my Den!