Hi Guys,
It's great now that I have got the hang of typing and so whilst the old git (Alf) is asleep - thought I would tell you more of my antics.
I have been a bit of a madam apparently since arriving here. I couldn't believe my luck when I came here. We have a paddock that we can run around in, chase pheasants and partridges, bunny rabbits and anything else that takes my fancy. Normally Alf - I can lunge at him from a great distance - but haven't mastered knocking him to the floor yet. He ends up pinning me to the floor by my throat and then walking off. We certainly have our moments.
Well I've chewed quite a lot of things since arriving, the most recent being the hosepipe. Last Friday my pinkies went to work and we were in our run as we are in the day when pinkies go out. Well I got a little bored so emptied Alf's kennel out and then decided that I would chew the hosepipe that goes into the box thing that reels itself in. Well I put my K9's through it and water was gushing out - we had to run for cover. By the time dad got home the run was 2" deep in water, Dad got soaked unlocking us and had to leave his clothes on the door step, Mum found found them when she got back and it was so cold they were frozen to the step - he wasn't happy. I had a right telling off because the electrics had fused as well. I don't do things by half. Well I stayed quiet for a couple of days and just followed wherever they went.
I did have a nice day yesterday though mum took us to Rosliston Forestry Centre where there are some nice walks where we don't have to get muddy. I had a picnic at a bench too. (picture attached). Pinky tried to get me to jump over these logs but I either went under or round but not over the top. I'm not a show horse. Mr Goody Goody went over them though. I thought he was too old but he jumped them no problem. I had another go and did 1 out of 6, I would have carried on but Pinky was exhausted by this time.
Anyway I'm off for some beauty sleep - hope to catch you all soon.
Mindy xx
Guest Book

The Supervisor

Cutie Pie!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Mindy's Story
Hi - I'm Mindy the Adventurous one!!!
Hi there,
This is Mindy, I am the adventurous one of the family. My parents and brother Alf call me naughty but I know different - and I'm sure all of you do too! They just don't seem to understand.
Well last week I came into the kitchen with apparently a very dirty face and a look that said I had been digging! Don't know where they get their ideas from, but as it was dark they couldn't find anything. Next morning the pinkies get up for work and mummy pinky takes me and Alf for our early morning walk, she locked the door and set off and "THUD" she fell down a hole! How on earth did that get there! I cleared off and Mr Goody Goody (Alf) stayed and helped her up! Huh creep! Anyway she couldn't get a picture of it because she filled it in before thinking!
Luckily no bones were broken, I swear it wasn't me that dug it - check the photos out for yourself and see what you think?!!!! I'll continue later of my recent antics - I deserve a medal!
Mindy xx
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hello All!
Well hello there,
Long time no write! To be honest we have been very busy and just haven't had the time to up date.
Mindy is being her usual chewing self, and me well I'm being hansome as usual!! I did have some photos to upload but dad has gone to York on the train today and won't be back until I'm in bed! So I shall get those done over the weekend.
We haven't been away on holiday recently so must look into that and drop a few hints to the pinkies!
We had a bonfire last Saturday and had 20 people come. Luckily we didn't have fireworks - I don't mind them and will go outside and watch them, as long as I can sit next to mum on my lead! However Mindy is petrified and spent Sunday night sat on mums lap..........I didn't know whether to feel sorry for her or not! Luckily living in a village we only get them for 2 nights - so lucky for her!
Well I'm off for a short walk in the dark and boy is it windy! Will catch you soon.
Alf n Mindy xx
Mindy here - I met some new people this week and they thought I was a woolly beauty, I must admit they all fell in love with me! and now it seems I have some friends for life. Alf wasn't so bothered by the people he just walks off with his head in the aire!!!! I on the other hand lap it up!
Mindy xxx

Checking out the building products
Building Work Supervision

Chewing her tennis ball!
Mindy Bob and the Stick
Cornwall Pictures.
Alf n Mindy's Day Out

What - my face isn't dirty!
Muppets in the Snow!

I'm telling you my face is not dirty!
Mindy's feet

These feet are NOT mine!

Well it wasn't me mum!
Cromford Mill

John, Hilary, Molly, Taffy, Mindy and Alf

Everyone but Pinky!
Alf Napping

I'm shattered
Mindy Napping

Leave me - I'm in my Den!