Well off we all trudged down to the car - where I said goodbye to my furry mummy and was bundled into a cage in the back of a silver car and off we set.....we got about 300 yards down the road and the man in the front driving (later found out he was called Dad!!) said whats that awful smell? I had left a deposit in the cage on the newspaper for him!!!! We pulled up at a newsagents to change the paper and then mum sat in the back and held my paw through the cage all the way home.. As they were discussing names Mum said Eric - and Dad said "No Uncle Eric would be offended!!" then they decided on Syd. "No Nan wouldn't like it! It was Grandad's name!' Then Dad said "Did you see his mum - she looked like Alf the Alien!' that was it - Alf it was!!!!
When we arrived home I was taken out into the garden - it was massive I'd never seen anywhere so big before. Luckily I was on a lead and was walked round part of it! To a small boy there was so much to see and sniff.
I slept all night that night with not a peep. The only disturbance really was mum kept coming downstairs to the kitchen to look at me.....I'd got her round my little paw already!
The next morning I went to meet my Nan who was to look after me every day (Monday - Friday) until I was 12 months old. Dad used to take me in the morning at 7.30 and Mum would pick me up at 5.00pm I got used to the times she would come and would sit and look through a gap in the fence waiting for her then I would start to cry and get excited!!!
This went on for almost 12 months when they started to leave me at home until dinner time.....it was great! Then either Mum would come home or Nan would come and fetch me and we would go and pick up my cousin ~(her grandaughter) from school. I used to sit in the back inbetween the kids!!!
Well it all started on a Wednesday evening 21st November 2001. Mum had been out to Shropshire for the day on a dog grooming event - to see if she wanted to take it up.........at the time they had no dog as the old one (such a good boy he was I have been told!!!) had died a few months before..............yadda yadda yadda!!!!
Anyway it was a horrible night raining and wind howling when Dad got back from his sisters house and said there is an advert in the paper selling Airedale puppies - well mum had said that IF they ever have another dog it would be an Airedale and he would be called Eric!! Mum said it's a horrible night we'll think about it......then she went out to get something from the car and found a cage in the back that he had fetched off his mum!!! So off they set - to Sheffield to just look at these puppies........
Well they got there an hour and a half later - and were taken down to the kennel run in the garden to meet 8 puppies.........we all came tumbling out and I thought ---wey hey I like these two. So to get noticed I started to drag the great big yard brush about and they picked 3 puppies to take into the house to have a closer look at.................and gues what..........................they picked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!! the people asked when we were coming back for him and we said we'll take him now thanks! I'm so glad they did....................more to follow!
Well hello there!
I'm new to all this - but at last I've encouraged my pinky (human) to start a blog for me and my great friend Mindy.
We are both Airedale Terriers, I'm 6 years old and called Alf and my friend is Mindy who is 10 months old - and naughty with it!!!
I was bought from Sheffield 6 years ago when I was a small boy of 8 weeks old. I have been spoilt for most of my life!! that is until 2 months ago when Mindy arrived! I'm still spoilt but obviously not as much but I don't mind because I love her and we get on great after a tricky start! Well I can't add much more yet as I can't access the pictures of me until my pinky comes in from work!
More to follow................................Alf